Kitchen Seasoning, Celery Rod is good for the Little Healthy Menu

Celery is usually synonymous with kitchen spices. Green vegetables with a distinctive shape and aroma add to the taste of the dish as the soup becomes more savory. But, who would have thought if the stem of celery had many health benefits for adults and children? See the narrative of Mommy Junis Kenshi from the Babyologist below.

We must be familiar with celery. Celery is one of the herbs used in the leaves to give flavor to the soup, as well as other stir-fries. In addition, the leaves can also be consumed raw. During this time, we only know that the leaves we consume are used for cooking purposes. Apparently, besides the leaves, the stem from celery can also be consumed and has many benefits.

Kitchen Seasoning, Celery Rod is good for the Little Healthy Menu

There may be some people who don't like the aroma of celery leaves, but don't worry, because the celery sticks after cooking don't have the smell of leaves and the taste is good too!

Celery can be cooked as an MPASI menu for the baby. The nutrients contained in stem celery are very good for the growth of the little one. The benefits of celery stems are:

1. Rich in Vitamins

Celery stems are rich in vitamin A which is needed to maintain healthy eyes, bones, teeth, and skin. Besides vitamin A, celery also contains vitamin C which is used by the body to produce collagen and prevent damage caused by free radicals. Celery Rod also contains high vitamin K, iron, potassium and minerals needed by the body.

2. Fiber

Celery stems also include vegetables that are high in fiber, which can help the digestive system function and reduce the risk of diseases such as constipation and hemorrhoids.

3. Vitamin content remains intact

Most vegetables that have been processed or cooked will lose their vitamins, while the celery stems are different. The vitamin content of celery will remain 80% intact even after cooking.

MPASI menu

This celery stalk is also very suitable to be used as an MPASI menu in infants and used as finger food. As we know, vegetables that are used as finger food, in general, are carrots and broccoli. Well, celery stems can also be used as an alternative choice of finger food, Moms.

In addition to the benefits that are important for the body, how to process it is also easy. This celery stalk can be steamed, or it can be cooked gravy. Usually, I process the soup with chicken bones, chopped chicken, carrots or red beans. Believe me, this vegetable has no sharp smell like celery leaves. If steamed, it may be steamed for a long time so that the soft textures are suitable for children. And for adults, celery stems can be juiced or made into smoothies.

Well, aside from the important benefits of this celery stem, it turns out there is also a shortage of celery stems, which are hard to find on the market. As we know that celery is usually used is the leaves, so the stem is rarely found in the market. Usually, it must be bought in a supermarket that sells imported vegetables or organic vegetables. However, celery stems are still important and good for the health of children and adults.

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