Really Mineral Bottle Water Contains Plastic Particles? What are the Dangers?

Bottled mineral water is a quick and compact solution to relieve thirst. However, a large study found that some bottled mineral water products sold on the market have been contaminated with microscopic plastic particles that allegedly seep in during the packing process. So, what harm if these plastic particles are ingested into the body?

Many branded bottled mineral water containing microscopic plastic particles

A team of scientists at New York State University studied water samples from 259 bottled mineral water purchased from nine different countries Indonesia, Brazil, China, India, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Thailand and the United States. All of the mineral water samples are known to be produced by 11 different major mineral water producers.

They revealed that microplastic particles were contained in 93% of the sample. The study also found that there are at least about 325 plastic particles per liter of water. However, some bottles have a concentration of more than 10,000 micro-plastic particles per liter, with several pieces as wide as a strand of human hair.

The research team later also found that there are various types of plastic particles found in the bottled water samples. Among them are polypropylene, nylon, polystyrene, and polyethylene. Up to about 65 percent of the plastic particles found are fractions, not fibers.

Only 17 out of 259 bottles are completely free from plastic contamination.

Is it dangerous if swallowed?

Microplastic is a very small plastic particles and not visible. That is why, these micro plastic particles can escape or avoid the filtering process. There is even much research showing that microplastic exists in almost every environment on Earth and can be found in the hulls of many types of seabirds and other marine animals, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

According to a recent report, microplastics are also widely distributed in bottled water. However, health experts from different parts of the world have not been able to fully assure the health risks of microplastic consumption on health.

A small study in lab animals found that microplastic contamination can cause cancer, hormonal disorders, and other health problems. Sherri Mason, a professor of chemistry at the University of East Angalia, said that microplastic consumption is associated with an increased risk of cancer, ADHD, autism, and decreased sperm count, quoted from

The concern of some experts is that plastic is a material that can not be recycled and can not be decomposed. They argue that it is not impossible that eventually the microplastic component can penetrate the body's cells and be absorbed into the organs of the body.

However, there is not enough solid evidence of microplastic effects on human health. The risk will depend a lot on how much amount is digested and how long the particles are lodged in the human digestive system.

Bring your own drinking bottles safer and better

The existence of reports on microplastic particles in bottled mineral water does not necessarily serve as a reason for you to stop drinking water. Many benefits that you can get from diligent drinking water, not just against dehydration alone.

As a precaution, it would be better if you bring your own drink bottle. In addition to preventing any possibility of unwanted risk, bringing your own drink bottle can also be a step to love the earth by reducing the amount of plastic waste.

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